When a band of activists rose up to save Pike Place Market from demolition more than 50 years ago, they weren't fighting for a quaint piece of historic architecture, but an unruly aspect of Seattle’s personality.
As Seattle Works Toward New Rules For Tree Cutting, Neighborhood Activists Push For More ProtectionsSeattle is working on changes to its tree protection ordinance. Trees provide shade and clean the air. They’re acknowledged by the City of Seattle for the…
Members of the Puget Sound Regional Council are starting work on a three-decade plan called Vision 2050, which will guide development across King, Pierce,…
In the fight for Tacoma's economic future, the battlefield is the city's tideflats. The sprawl of shipping cranes, oil tanks, manufacturing buildings, and…
The University of Washington is preparing to turn students into government consultants for the city of Tacoma.That's the next subject of the university’s…
Some big changes are coming to Seattle’s University District. This week, the City Council is expected to pass controversial legislation to increase…
The Seattle-based environmental organization Forterra (formerly known as Cascade Land Conservancy) is getting into the urban land-banking business. Now,…
Hundreds of low-cost housing units and small businesses are threatened if proposed changes to zoning go through in Seattle’s University District. That’s…
It’s been 20 years since Seattle adopted a growth management strategy based on so-called “urban villages.”Those are neighborhoods targeted for high…
Seattle is well-known as a city that loves its trees. The city even has a plan to increase its tree canopy to cover 30 percent of its open skies by the…