The next loan you get may depend less on your credit score and more on what a program thinks of your habits. Digital lenders say the process will be more fair, but others worry about unintended bias.
It's not the first stumble for state-owned KfW, which mistakenly sent hundreds of millions of dollars to Lehman Brothers on the day it went bankrupt.
Your car may be your most-prized personal possession, but the vast majority of the time it's parked not doing anything. Now, several startup companies…
A couple of weeks ago, financial commentator Greg Heberlein said it was time for a stock market correction. Sure enough, we've seen the market drop,…
The market has had a phenomenal run up in the past two years, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average gaining nearly 6,000 points. Recent volatility…
http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/kplu/local-kplu-949091.mp3Microsoft handily beat Wall Street's expectations, posting record revenue:…
http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/kplu/local-kplu-948558.mp3Starbucks has done it again. The coffee giant says its global revenues…
http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/kplu/local-kplu-946067.mp3If you and your spouse can correctly answer three simple math questions, a…
Want to know the secret to building wealth? It's pretty simple, and it's financial commentator Greg Heberlein's Christmas gift to you. He shares it with…
You may be noticing more ads tempting investors to enter into limited partnerships. The scheme is looking pretty attractive in the down economy. But…