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Zoolights returns with more than 700,000 lights and coronavirus precautions

During the darkest time of the year, hundreds of thousands of LED lights create bright animals, landmarks and dazzling displays for Zoolights at Tacoma’s Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. The 30-plus-year-old holiday tradition kicks off Friday, with some coronavirus-related changes. 

"We want to make sure everyone has a safe experience," said Tessa LaVergne, a zoo spokesperson. "So face coverings are required for everyone 5 and over, guests will follow a one-way path, hand sanitizing stations will be placed throughout the zoo and timed online tickets are required."

LaVergne said the zoo is operating at 25 percent capacity and people can purchase tickets online for specific times to see Zoolights. Tickets will not be available at the gate. Some areas of the zoo will be closed during the event, including the aquariums, goat area and carousel.

Many classic displays return for this year’s event, including the polar bear and walrus families, the Flame Tree and the elusive Sasquatch. There also will be some new additions.

The Sasquatch light display inside Zoolights at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma.
Credit John Froschauer / Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Sasquatch light display inside Zoolights at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma.

"We will have a salute to Seattle's newest team, the Seattle Kraken. It will be up near our 100-foot-wide octopus," LaVergne said. "And then also this year, our tunnel of lights will be longer than ever. This year it's going to be 117 feet long."

LaVergne said the colorful displays are much-needed this year.

"I think that Zoolights being open this year is the bright spot that everyone needs in 2020," LaVergne said. "And when I say bright, I mean literally bright. There's over 700,000 lights across the entire zoo." 

Zoolights continues through Jan. 3 from 5-9 p.m., and will be closed Dec. 24-25.

The orca whale light display is seen in the background of a model of the Narrows Bridge at Zoolights inside the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma.
Credit John Froschauer / Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The orca whale light display is seen in the background of a model of the Narrows Bridge at Zoolights inside the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium in Tacoma.

Rebekah Way is an on-call news host at KNKX. She began her career in public radio as a news intern at KNKX, where she's also worked as an interim producer and reporter. Rebekah holds a life-long passion for music and also works as a professional musician and educator in the Seattle area.