Hundreds of supporters waved as Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in downtown Seattle today. As the motorcade zipped by on the way to the Westin Hotel, Tony Zhao held up a giant red flag with five yellow stars on it.
He was not the only one waving a Chinese flag. Some well-wishers held the red flag in one hand and the American flag in the other.
Zhao came to Seattle 15 years ago. He says for Chinese immigrants like himself, the visit by President Xi Jinping is thrilling.
Many on hand wore white t-shirts with Chinese characters on them that translate to “Love China.” After the motorcade passed, many supporters celebrated with food, passing around pastry boxes filled with pork buns, even shared with some with Seattle police officers.
President Xi’s visit also brought out several dozen protesters who stood silently holding signs. Most came to protest treatment in China of followers of the spiritual practice of Falun Gong.