"We worried if we did not take immediate stabilizing measures," a Chinese analyst says, "the relationship could nosedive and pose serious problems for our finances, economy and strategic security."
Xi Jinping will visit President Trump in Palm Beach, Fla., next week, for talks that will reportedly center on economic and other issues.
To the surprise of many observers, Tillerson referred to a mutual U.S.-China understanding of "non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation."
"No one will emerge as a winner in a trade war," the Chinese president said in Davos, Switzerland. He responded to statements by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, without mentioning his name.
The letter that claimed to speak for "loyal party members" called for President Xi Jinping to step down. The incident is the latest chapter in a heated debate about the limits of free speech in China.
Software giant Microsoft got several chances on Wednesday to impress Chinese leaders with the company's vision of a "free and open" internet. Microsoft's…
China's president Xi Jinping arrives in Washington, D.C., for a two-day state visit. It comes as relations between the two countries are turbulent. Analysts say this will be President Obama's most difficult summit to date.
On the day that Chinese President Xi Jinping toured Boeing's wide-body jet factory in Everett, Boeing announced a deal to sell 300 airplanes to Chinese…
Hundreds of supporters waved as Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in downtown Seattle today. As the motorcade zipped by on the way to the Westin Hotel,…
The visit by Chinese president Xi Jinping will cause especially thorny and unpredictable traffic tie-ups. Transportation officials are asking drivers to…