The Highway 99 Tunnel through downtown Seattle, which has been free since it opened in February, will start tolling drivers Saturday morning beginning at…
Seattle’s new tunnel is finally open, following a weekend of festivities bidding farewell to the Alaskan Way Viaduct.“Thousands of people have worked very…
Commuters to and from downtown Seattle are bracing for the evening of Jan. 11, when a stretch of Highway 99 from the West Seattle Bridge to the Battery…
The safety of the Alaskan Way viaduct will be back on the table Monday when the Seattle City Council will hear from the Washington State Department of…
Officials overseeing the replacement of Seattle’s Alaskan Way viaduct are trying to tamp down safety concerns. But under questioning Monday from Seattle…
Just six weeks after the contractor managing the State Route 99 tunnel project laid out its timeline for getting back to digging, the company said it’s…
The prospect of taking the State Route 99 tunneling machine known as Bertha offline for as much as half a year is not good news for the company operating…
The machine boring a new Highway 99 tunnel under downtown Seattle has finally dug itself out of its own launch pit.The Transportation Department said…
Bertha, the world's largest tunnel boring machine, has finally arrived in Seattle's Elliott Bay.The 7,000-ton machine arrived in 41 pieces. Crews will…
This week, the Seattle Fire Department has been in training for what might be a nightmare scenario: the possibility of fire inside a deep-bore tunnel. A…