Washington's attorney general filed a lawsuit in state court Wednesday, accusing the auto parts retailer of violating the state's anti-discrimination laws, including one that requires employers to provide accommodations for pregnant employees.
Pro-choice advocates estimate that “crisis pregnancy centers" outnumber abortion providers in Washington state by 2-to-1. Organizers in Tacoma marked the anniversary of the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision by hosting a pro-choice resource fair.
The early cancelation of federal grants for sexual health education has raised protests from King County officials.Public Health Seattle & King County was…
Women often worry that exercise is dangerous during pregnancy, but the data shows it's almost always good for both mother and the developing fetus. As with so many things, moderation is key.
Almost all women experience morning sickness during pregnancy, but it's hard to figure out what might work when you're busy retching. A review of evidence finds that ginger and acupressure bands help.
A review of studies on the effects of using marijuana while pregnant found no harms to newborns. But other studies have found an increased risk of thinking problems and ADHD in older children.
A study found that behavioral problems were more common among children of women who took the pain reliever during pregnancy. But interpreting the results isn't as straightforward as you might expect.
There is no fighting the pregnant waddle, but there's still more to learn. Researchers are studying how the altered gait affects women's lives.