The rising prevalence and cost of Type 2 diabetes has doctors at Geisinger Health System turning to food as a form of medicine. They're prescribing free, fresh food to low-income patients.
The Trump administration says it wants to remove burdensome regulation. On Monday it served up a taste of what that looks like when it comes to aspects of Obama-era food policy.
People with heart disease should keep their weight down, but it can be hard to lose weight and keep it off. Now a study shows big fluctuations may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Buy an unhealthy snack and these vending machines take away 25 seconds of your life you'll never get back. Healthy fare drops instantly. Research suggests this "time tax" helps us make better choices.
Last year, the FDA told the maker of Kind bars some of its nut-filled snacks couldn't be labeled as "healthy." Now the agency is rethinking what healthy means, amid evolving science on fat and sugar.
A third of U.S. adults are obese, and 80 percent don't eat enough fruits, veggies and whole grains. Yet our poll with Truven Health Analytics suggests that as a nation, we eat with blinders on.
The food industry has long marketed highly processed products to kids with characters like Tony the Tiger. But similar tactics can also work to sway school kids to eat more vegetables, a study finds.
For 12 years, Chester, Pa., had no supermarket. Then Fare & Square came to town. But getting people to eat better — while also becoming a sustainable business model — is a tall order.
We know eating more produce is good for your heart. Now computer models suggest slashing its price by about a third could result in dramatically lower death rates from heart disease and stroke.
What if fresh foods were easier to find in lower income neighborhoods? Would that lead to less obesity and disease? King County has been testing this idea…