People all over the country declared their love for Cho, a 23-year-old fishmonger at Pike Place. Then in February, she announced her last video — with no explanation. What followed shows the tension social media creates between celebrity and reality.
Record levels of federal funding are coming to Puget Sound - for restoration and cleanup work. Congress passed an act last month that creates a Puget Sound Recovery Office within the Environmental Protection Agency, putting Puget Sound on par with other iconic waterways in the U.S., such as Chesapeake Bay and the Great Lakes.
Among the many wonders at the Ballard Locks is a fish ladder. The ladder encourages threatened salmon to swim up or downstream, to keep them safe from…
Americans are often chastised for what we eat. Now we're getting a pat on the back. A new report finds seafood consumption is up by nearly a pound from the previous year, the biggest leap in 20 years.
"Vegan" rainbow trout will be the hot topic at this year’s International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding in Sun Valley, Idaho.
This summer’s extreme drought is becoming increasingly deadly for fish in the northwest.The state department of Fish and Wildlife had already lost about…
As the search for victims of the Oso mudslide continues, scientists are monitoring its effects on endangered fish runs.The cloudiness of the Stillaguamish…
Proposals to streamline permitting for development in and around state waters have some environmental groups worried. The groups are concerned the changes…
The official estimate of how much fish people eat dictates the levels of pollution that are allowed, and a statewide coalition of clean water advocates…
Washington state House Democrats removed funds for a fish-consumption study from the final budget. That went against the wishes of one of the state's…