Ants — yes, ants — could protect apples, nuts, cocoa, and other beloved crops from disease and climate change.
Outgoing governor Jay Inslee about his work on climate issues and whether there were any positive experiences when he worked with the last Trump administration.
Oregon State University researchers want to find a way to make your hamburger less bad for the planet by feeding cows in the pasture an unlikely food that’s not grown on land — seaweed.
Planting trees in cities sounds simple. Here's why the Forest Service is spending $1.5 billion on it.
As premiums skyrocket, voters are starting to pay attention to one of the most obscure positions on the ballot.
Oregon’s weather is becoming less predictable. That can make running a farm harder, and it’s pushing farmers to be more climate resilient.
Alaska’s permafrost is melting and revealing high levels of mercury that could threaten Alaska Native peoples.
People don't need "climate emergency" or "global boiling" to make them worried. They're already worried.
Several Northwest counties and the U.S. Forest Service are working to reduce the risk of fires overtaking key evacuation routes.
Oregon’s temperatures are dipping, but last month’s heat wave solidified an unsettling trend: Extreme heat is hitting Oregon’s aging population hard.