Artists need more than grants to support their work. They need studio space to create and places to show their work. A new organization in Tacoma hopes to fill in those gaps.
The 5th Avenue is set to welcome patrons back into its theater in January with a production of "Beauty and the Beast." The theater held a press conference on Tuesday celebrating its reopening and launch of its PR campaign "Fall In Love with the 5th."
During World War II, more than 7,000 people of Japanese descent were forcibly removed from their homes and incarcerated in a prison camp in Puyallup. Now, a sculpture reflecting that history will stand outside the Puyallup library.
UPDATE, 2/24: Updates to reflect that the Seattle City Council passed a resolution endorsing the creative district proposal. The pandemic has left many…
Seattle City Light wants to transform its historic Georgetown steam plant building into a museum and cultural center – with a twist. The search is on for…
Results continue to come in for this year's primary election. Last updated at 4:40 p.m. on Wednesday, August, 2, 2017.KNKX is keeping an eye on several…
A small non-profit group is trying to preserve some of Belltown’s unique character. It has just closed comments on a community visioning project for the…
The first things you notice upon stepping into Greg Kucera's art gallery in Seattle's Pioneer Square are gigantic oil paintings of Hispanic men standing…
In this social media age, sharing your innermost feelings online is expected. But, Seattle artist Xavier Lopez decided to encourage something different…
Voters in King County will get to decide if they want to raise the sales tax to fund arts and cultural programs. The Metropolitan King County Council…