A lobbying battle is being waged over a rule requiring financial advisers to act in their clients' best interest in retirement planning. It pits financial firms against consumer and retiree groups.
Executives who get their firms in legal trouble could be forced to pay back bonuses retroactively.
The largest U.S. bank lost $2 billion due to a single, London-based "rogue trader," the company's CEO admits.
"We've been doing nothing but investing in this town."On Nov. 2, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon came to Seattle to address business leaders at an event…
Should you pull out of the stock market?Standard & Poor's downgraded its credit outlook for the United States this week; gas prices are rising; Europe is…
All signs point to 2011 being a good year for the stock market. On this week's Money Matters, financial commentator Greg Heberlein tells KPLU's Dave Meyer…
Ever wonder why the stock market rises to a certain level and then pulls back? That’s called a resistance point. Financial commentator Greg Heberlein…