Este martes el Presidente Joe Biden dará el discurso anual del Estado de la Unión. Por primera vez, NPR News transmitirá la cobertura y análisis en inglés y español.
President Biden is delivering his State of the Union address on Tuesday night at 9 p.m. ET. The speech is expected to highlight the strength of the economy and past legislative wins.
Stacey Abrams, who narrowly lost the Georgia governor's race in November, is delivering the Democrats' response to President Donald Trump's State of the…
President Trump is delivering a State of the Union address after a delay due to the government shutdown. Watch his speech live, followed by a Democratic…
President Trump is delivering his State of the Union address, which the White House says will outline a "policy agenda both parties can rally behind."Yet…
A local critic of the Trump administration’s immigration policies is going to be in the audience at the president’s first State of the Union address. Maru…
The theme of the president's first State of the Union speech on Tuesday will be "building a safe, strong and proud America," and he will highlight economic growth and other successes of the past year.
Refusing to bend to the new Republican Congress, President Barack Obama unveiled Tuesday night an ambitious State of the Union agenda steeped in…
Look for more of what President Obama exhibited three weeks ago at his inaugural address: a challenge to Congressional Republicans, and a focus on the economy, immigration, gun control and climate change.
Faced with a re-election fight, Bill Clinton used his State of the Union address to declare "the era of big government is over." President Obama focused instead on economic fairness, an issue his mother embraced.