After a statewide tenants’ bill failed in the Legislature, cities from Olympia to Spokane extended notice periods and implemented relocation assistance.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Washington has sued the city of Spokane, alleging its anti-homeless laws violate the Washington state constitution.
In the post-Dobbs era, educators search for ways to better serve students raising children. A school on the Washington-Idaho border offers one approach.
On Friday, the Washington State Republican Party's convention in Spokane erupted with moments of booing, chanting, and people turning their backs on the party's own candidates.
The 10-term Republican incumbent issued a statement Thursday saying this will be her last term.
From Seattle to Portland, many people consider the Pacific Northwest a pinball paradise. But, there just aren’t many machines in some places. That’s why one Tri-Cities man is trying to ramp up pinball pandemonium in southeastern Washington, with the help of fellow pinball fans.
Authorities say a second person has died in wildfires in eastern Washington state that sparked Friday burning hundreds of structures and closing a section of a major interstate. Gov. Jay Inslee declared a statewide emergency on Sunday because of those fires and others.
As of Friday's vote count, leading candidates in Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Bellingham and Spokane support some form of sending unarmed civilians to respond to mental health crises and other nonviolent incidents.
Fire officials say Spokane is one of many communities across Washington at extremely high risk of catastrophic fire because of climate change and development into natural, or forested, areas.
Rasir Bolton came to Gonzaga to further his basketball career. But he also found a calling away from the basketball court. Bolton has embedded himself in the community of Spokane, Washington, by helping with several charitable endeavors.