Courtney Flatt
Northwest Public Radio-
A controversial renewable energy project near the Tri-Cities will face a lawsuit from locals. People who would live nearby are hoping to scale it back.
Wandering through the Old Hotel Art Gallery in Othello, Washington, you can spot all sorts of local arts and crafts. But some say it’s home to more than just art.
Food insecurity in rural areas is getting worse, according to a recent study from the USDA. Last year, 18 million households didn’t have good access to food.
In 2023, clean energy jobs increased more than twice the rate of the jobs in the overall U.S. economy, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. That growth may only increase.
An experiment is helping scientists better understand the effects of space radiation on astronauts and space shuttles that are constantly bombarded by radiation.
The famous Washington volcano served as a base camp for 20 middle and high school girls who were exploring the vast field of geology.
As salmon and steelhead swim upstream, they’re now facing one more challenge in fish ladders. It’s a non-native fish competing for space: the American shad.
It’s the same type of algae that turned up on the Snake River last year. In high concentrations, it harms people, pets, and livestock. The toxins can also accumulate in fish.
The new facility will bring together scientists and industry leaders to help speed up the development of battery and grid storage technologies.
Fin is the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s mussel-smelling dog. Like a drug or bomb-smelling dog, his nose is particularly good at sniffing out invasive mussels.