A lot of them smoke, though percentages vary widely from country to country for various reasons. When cigarettes sell for 10 cents each, that's definitely a boost for smoking.
The legal age to purchase and use tobacco in Oregon would rise from 18 to 21 under a measure under consideration in the legislature. A similar measure...
The Obama administration has issued a sweeping final rule banning smoking in all public housing units nationwide, extending a smoke-free environment to nearly a million units.
Quitting abruptly is more effective, a study finds, even for people who'd rather phase it out gradually.
If Gov. Jerry Brown signs the bill, California will become the second state, after Hawaii, to raise the age limit for buying tobacco products from 18 to 21.
If you’re trying to quit smoking and you don’t have health insurance, it’s going to be harder to find help as of August 1. The state’s free tobacco…
For the first time since 1998, Washington is getting a new secretary of health. Mary Selecky is retiring, and her replacement starts today.Selecky has…
Washington high school students who participated in a statewide health survey say they are twice as likely to smoke marijuana as cigarettes.Overall,…
Washington banned indoor smoking nearly seven years ago, but one exception survives: hookah lounges.Local health departments have struggled to shut them…
Youth smoking is re-emerging as a concern in Washington. The US Surgeon General came to Seattle this week to give a pep talk to anti-smoking campaigners,…