A group of native carvers from the Lummi Nation has hit the road again from Bellingham. The House of Tears Carvers will make stops in Oregon, Idaho and Washington over the next two weeks, as they call for dam removal on the Lower Snake River, through storytelling, conversation and prayer.
This story originally aired on March 30, 2019.Author’s note: Sometimes the best stories are not planned out or deeply researched in advance, but rather…
Chinook salmon – the Northwest’s largest and most iconic fish species – are shrinking.Researchers have documented that adult kings returning from the…
One of the biggest issues facing Puget Sound’s endangered Southern Resident killer whales is a lack of Chinook salmon, their preferred food. A Seattle…
Two orca stories have been prominent in news in recent days: An endangered orca is still clinging to her dead calf more than two weeks after it died. And…
A multitude of factors are harming Puget Sound’s local population of endangered orcas: water pollution, noise, loss of habitat.But topping that list right…
Despite a very bad summer for local resident orca whales, this winter is shaping up as a premium time to see them from the shore. Orca watchers say the…
A well-known former resident of the Pacific Northwest will be getting special designation from the federal government. Lolita, a killer whale captured…
The charismatic black and white killer whales that spend their summers in Puget Sound will remain protected under the Endangered Species Act.The National…