Pope Francis cracked down Friday on the spread of the old Latin Mass, reversing one of Pope Benedict XVI’s signature decisions in a major challenge to…
Despite criticism, the first lady's attire was in keeping with the protocol of the countries she visited and the precedent set by foreign leaders who have visited them.
The president made the remark after the pope presented him with a medallion featuring an olive branch. "I give this to you so that you can be an instrument of peace," the pope told him.
The pontiff's message seemed to be directed at the audience in the room. "The more powerful you are," he said, "the more responsible you are to act humbly. If you don't, your power will ruin you."
The leader of the Roman Catholic Church encouraged mothers to breast-feed their infants during a baptism ceremony for 28 babies on Sunday in the Sistine Chapel.
The Vatican has long considered abortion such a grave sin that only bishops can grant absolution. The pope changed that temporarily in 2015; now he's extended the change indefinitely.
Martin Luther created one of Christianity's greatest rifts when he denounced the Catholic Church in 1517. But Pope Francis is taking part in the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
The Vatican says Pope Francis has asked a group of seven men and six women to study whether women should be allowed to serve as deacons within the Roman Catholic Church.
"I believe that in pretty much every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists," the pope said during a flight from Poland to Italy.
Pope Francis spent his time at the former Nazi concentration camp in near-total silence to honor the more than 1 million people who were systematically killed there.