The place where salmon spend most of their lives also is the place scientists know the least about: the ocean.
More than 1,300 scientists, policy makers and other interested parties are attending next week’s Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference in Seattle.The meeting…
Scientists examining the health of Puget Sound have uncovered a new mystery involving the very bottom of the food chain.A new study from the state…
With its eelgrass beds and rocky beaches, Puget Sound’s shoreline is frequented by hundreds of species of fish and other creatures. State and federal…
SEATTLE (AP) — Gov. Chris Gregoire has signed an executive order directing state officials to work on the problem of ocean acidification.The governor is…
Carbon emissions are threatening Washington’s shellfish industry. That’s the concern of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Ocean Acidification, which…
In British Columbia on Thursday, Canadian scientists will testify about the decline of salmon in the Fraser River. Even if you don’t like fish, advocates…
The most widely-used way of measuring the health of ocean ecosystems is wrong as often as it's right.And that can lead to thinking that fisheries are…