The grocery industry is calling it quits on a potential ballot measure that would have privatized liquor sales in Oregon. Currently, hard liquor like...
The privatization of retail liquor sales in Washington state has delivered a sustained boost to the state liquor divisions in neighboring Idaho and...
Republican and Democrat lawmakers are introducing a measure on Wednesday that would gradually lower liquor taxes.Backers say lowering taxes would spur…
Fewer teenagers in Washington say drinking alcohol is wrong, according to a survey taken after the state privatized liquor sales by two Northwest public…
State lawmakers extended a lifeline this year to small liquor stores who had struggled under the new privatization rules, but that change has also opened…
Saturday marks the one-year anniversary of private retail liquor sales in Washington. According to the Liquor Control Board, 1,680 retailers now stock…
VANCOUVER, Wash. – Washington state officials say sales of hard liquor have increased since the state privatized liquor sales.The Washington state…
The Washington Liquor Control Board auctions off 15,000 cases of alcohol Thursday to the highest bidder with a liquor license.The alcohol cost more than…
OLYMPIA, Wash. – Washington liquor sales are showing signs of continued strength after the state moved to a privatized system.State figures released…
Statewide liquor sales in Washington are up since privatization took effect, but business is down dramatically at some former state-owned liquor stores.