Tough new laws against handling a cell phone behind the wheel took effect in Washington and Oregon this year. Each state’s legislature made it illegal...
Washington lawmakers will return to the Capitol next week for “Committee Days” in advance of next January’s regular legislative session. Distracted...
Texting or holding a phone to your ear while driving is already illegal in Washington state. But starting Sunday, Washington state troopers and local...
The new feature blocks notifications while users are driving, but a loophole could allow text messages to still pop up.
Police may soon have technology to tell if a driver involved in an accident had been using a mobile device behind the wheel. Privacy advocates worry about letting police snoop on people's phones.
Put down your phone and drive. That’s the message from Washington lawmakers. The Washington House passed a new distracted driving law Wednesday and it...
You may brag about your ability to multitask, but lawmakers in the Pacific Northwest insist you don’t do it behind the wheel. The Washington Legislature...
Lawmakers in Salem and Olympia are debating measures intended to crack down on distracted driving.
Oregon lawmakers are considering a measure that would make it illegal to check your social media feeds while you're behind the wheel. A House panel...
In Washington state, there’s no law to keep you from checking Facebook while you drive. But that could change during this year’s legislative session....