For agencies administering the low-income housing program, mandated federal budget cuts are forcing cutbacks on several fronts. But some of the belt tightening is yet to come.
No rational person would try to cut nearly all government spending by a fixed amount, regardless of the individual merit of any given program. That's kind of the point.
TACOMA, Wash. — The Tacoma city manager says the city will have to cut 217 employee positions and impose a $20 car license tax to help close a $63 million…
The Seattle City Council is facing a $1.1 billion shortfall in its pension fund, according to a report to the Government Performance and Finance Committee…
The organization that oversees Washington state's nearly 29,000 lawyers is scrambling to deal with a big budget gap, after the attorneys voted to reduce…
RICHLAND, Wash. — The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory plans to lay off 45 employees this week.The cutbacks are in order to adjust to the latest…
Washington Governor Chris Gregoire would like to see a tax on roll-your-own cigarettes included in any final budget deal.
OLYMPIA, Wash. – Majority Democrats in the Washington state House have unveiled a plan to rebalance the state’s budget. The spending blueprint released…
OLYMPIA, Wash. – Two credit rating agencies have delivered a warning to the State of Washington to get its financial house in order. The ratings agencies…
State Parks leaders have decided to go ahead with planned layoffs, even after the Legislature asked them not to. The Peninsula Gateway reports the State…