Just how much longer will this cold snap last?
“Only through the end of the weekend,” said KPLU weather expert Cliff Mass.
And the Seattle area likely won’t see snow before it’s over.
Mass says temperatures will stay in the lower- to mid-30s through the weekend.
“We’re going to stay in the cold air, mostly cloudy,” he said. “And no snow, no nothing … Here in the Seattle metropolitan area, it’s looking less and less likely we’ll get any significant snow at all before the cold air goes away.”
The air will finally start to warm up late Sunday night and Monday morning.
“Come Monday, we’ll see rain as a warm front moves through,” Mass said. “And it looks like it’s going to warm up enough before the rain gets to us that we’re not going to have any snow here in Seattle. Maybe it could start as a few flakes, it could maybe start as snow, change very rapidly to rain.”
Next week we’ll be back to “typical Seattle" weather, says Mass: “mild 40s with, you know, showers once in a while.”
The weekly KPLU feature "Weather with Cliff Mass" airs every Friday at 9 a.m. immediately following BirdNote, and twice on Friday afternoons during All Things Considered. The feature is hosted by KPLU Environment Reporter Bellamy Pailthorp. Cliff Mass is a University of Washington Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, a renowned Seattle weather prognosticator, and a popular weather blogger. You can also subscribe to a podcast of “Weather with Cliff Mass” shows.