The number of Americans living below the official federal poverty line stayed steady last year. That was a surprise to most experts, who predicted it…
Despite the difficult economy, more Americans have health insurance than a year ago, according to newly released census data. One reason: the new…
Nearly one in six Americans lives in poverty, but the numbers are a little better in Northwest states. That's the headline from the latest population…
The American West is home to more young people than any other region of the country according to new data from the U.S. Census. Still there are…
http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/kplu/local-kplu-954327.mp3Washington's Latino population grew 71% in the last decade. That's according…
Making headlines around the Northwest this morning:Prison Guard's Memorial TomorrowPierce County Misses Out on Thousands in Census CountSeattle Planning…
The new US Census data is out, and Washington is among eight states to add a seat in Congress. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke announced the 2010 data this…
Washington Ready to Add a Congressional Seat, while two western Washington Congressmen prepare for leading defense roles, and gay and lesbian service…
On Tuesday, the U.S. Census releases the first numbers from the 2010 population count. The first round of data will be used to reallocate Congressional…