State officials say people in Washington collecting unemployment benefits will again be required to actively search for work to keep those benefits,…
About 55,000 Washingtonians might have to pay back thousands of dollars in jobless benefits.The Seattle Times reports Cami Feek, the state Employment…
A bill that increases the minimum weekly benefit for unemployed workers during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and prevents a dramatic increase in…
The Washington Senate has passed a measure that would increase the minimum weekly benefit for unemployed workers starting in July and would prevent a…
The state Employment Security Department did not have adequate controls to prevent a slew of illegal unemployment insurance claims last spring that…
As coronavirus cases surge throughout the state, people in the health care and social assistance sectors are losing jobs.The state Employment Security…
Since the COVID-19 pandemic landed in Washington, the economic fallout has driven more than a million people here to apply for unemployment insurance.…
COVID-19 emergency funds distributed by the state of Washington in April included $3 million for the state’s Civil Legal Aid program. Now, an additional…
More than 800,000 people in Washington have filed for unemployment benefits during the pandemic.There also have been some fraudulent claims submitted.…
Fresh numbers of initial claims for jobless benefits showed some moderation in the past week in the staggering wave of layoffs across the Pacific...