Washington Sen. Patty Murray is the top Democrat on a conference committee charged with hashing out a budget by mid-December, and she’s well aware many…
Remember the sequester? The dust is finally settling and the consequences becoming real for a program in the U.S. Forest Service that sends money to…
They’re the tools of modern-day warfare: unmanned aircraft systems better known as drones.They’re also being tested to help carry out important scientific…
Automatic budget cuts have pushed Air Force bases to slash their flying budgets even though it means grounding pilots and reducing readiness. The cancellations are boosting the arguments of those who want the military excepted from sequestration cuts.
A much-loved open house at the Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver did not take place over the weekend. The center is run by the U.S. Geological…
The Federal Aviation Administration says it's suspended all employee furloughs and says air traffic facilities will begin returning to regular staffing…
With flight delays mounting, the Senate has passed legislation to end air traffic controller furloughs blamed for inconveniencing large numbers of…
Air travelers, especially those on the West Coast, are facing major delays this week due to sequester-mandated employee furloughs.As much as 10 percent of…
For agencies administering the low-income housing program, mandated federal budget cuts are forcing cutbacks on several fronts. But some of the belt tightening is yet to come.
Automatic federal budget cuts that kicked in March 1 have had little initial impact in many parts of the government. In a few programs, however, the effect has been real and painful as the government has begun cutting $85 billion from its spending through the end of September.