Only 12 commercial fishing captains hold permits to go reefnet fishing in the Pacific Northwest, out of a fleet that once numbered in the hundreds. The remaining practitioners of the traditional Indigenous fishing method say the gear should be the preferred way to harvest healthy salmon runs while avoiding fragile stocks.
Low numbers of Chinook salmon expected to return to the Columbia River this summer have led state and tribal officials to close that fishery until Aug. 1.…
Thousands of people in the Pacific Northwest — commercial fishermen, their crews, sport fishermen, seafood processors, even many boat builders — depend on…
The state Department of Fish and Wildlife has launched two months of public meetings as regulators decide how much salmon can be harvested from state…
Tribes and conservationists are celebrating a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that upholds tribal treaty fishing rights. The U.S. Supreme Court has let…
A new way of getting juvenile salmon out to the ocean is the latest innovation at the Ballard Locks in Seattle. The Army Corps of Engineers, which runs…
A federal fisheries management panel approved what some charter captains are calling the best ocean fishing season in 20 years.Meeting at a hotel in…
If you’ve ever gone fishing, then you probably know what it feels like to catch a big one only to lose it as you reel it in. A Friday Harbor man recently…