The tribes are leaders in combatting climate change in their region, but they face challenges securing government funding as they seek money for specific projects.
Tens of millions of dollars raised by a landmark climate law in Washington state will go to Native American tribes that are at risk from climate change and rising sea levels.
For nearly a decade, the Quinault Indian Nation has faced rising sea levels that have forced them to relocate residents and civic buildings in Taholah to higher ground.
Rising sea levels caused by global warming hit coastal communities the hardest. In Washington, many of those communities are tribes that settled near the…
As the climate warms, oceans expand and polar ice caps melt. This means sea level rise is a reality that land owners and local governments must prepare…
Rising sea levels put extra pressure on coastal bedrock in South Florida. Eventually, as seawater moves in, it could contaminate plants on the surface and the region's stores of freshwater beneath.
In preparation for sea level rise, vulnerable cities are building infrastructure to protect themselves. But as a look at New Orleans and Philadelphia shows, the strategies are unique to each city.
It’s one of the more dramatic-sounding aspects of climate change: as carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases speed up global warming, sea levels are…
And researchers predict things are going to get worse — their findings suggest sea levels will rise between 1 to 4 feet by 2100.
Update: The original version of this story incorrectly summarized this study as showing populations to be displaced by 2100 if current trends continue.…