The public lands commissioner race is shaping up to be a clash over forest management styles – and how to best use that resource in the face of climate change.
A coalition of community and conservation groups wants to stop a state logging claim near the banks of the Elwha river. They say the so-called “Power Plant” sale would compromise the high-profile effort to restore endangered salmon habitat on the river, just a decade after two dams were removed.
How to protect marbled murrelet habitat in state-owned forests is in the spotlight this week in Washington, as the state’s Department of Natural Resources…
When the marbled murrelet was first listed under the Endangered Species Act in 1992, so little was known about the elusive sea bird that the state…
Loggers are packing up and leaving timber sales uncut across the Northwest as a result of the partial federal government shutdown. Timber companies say…
Dozens of prominent environmental groups including the Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth are asking President Obama for help protecting old-growth…
Restoration projects in Eastern Washington’s Colville National Forest are a model for the nation; that was the word from U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom…
Three environmental groups intend to take Oregon's Department of Forestry to court over the effect logging has on a threatened seabird.The marbled…
Oregon's timber dependent counties are still hoping for a federal rescue. But they're creating contingency plans in case Congress doesn't come through…
SALEM, Ore. - The Oregon Land Board gave the go-ahead Tuesday to a plan that will dramatically ramp up logging in a state forest in the Oregon Coast…