Global Health Check lets you enter your birth year for a look at disease milestones, life spans, mortality rates and more.
When he isn't fixing up vintage cars, Cees Klumper goes after officials who misuse money meant to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
Lasker Award recipients include the medical aid group that fought the virus on the front line. Dr. Deane Marchbein shares her thoughts about the honor — and why it makes her a bit uncomfortable.
As the Ebola outbreak first emerged in West Africa, some global health experts downplayed it. The virus has flared up here and there since it was…
The planet could be much more crowded by the end of the century than previously thought, according to a new report by University of Washington…
Seattle author David George Gordon would be more than happy to share his recipe for his three bee salad or cricket nymph risotto. Try the deep-fried…
Editor's Note: “Senior Thesis” is a special week-long series that brings together venerable veterans in various fields with university students hoping to…
People fighting hunger in the developing world have noticed a troubling mystery: malnourished children sometimes fail to get healthier even when given a…
Sometimes seeing data presented in the right way can change your entire view of the world. Bill Gates says that’s what happened to him 20 years ago, with…
Americans are likely to live longer than we might have in the past – but the quality of our golden years appears to be getting worse, when it comes to…