CRISPR meat produced at Washington State University is now ready for people to eat. Researchers say the technology could one day help reduce world hunger.
Should consumers have the right to know what’s in the food they eat?That’s the question at the heart of Initiative 522, which would require labeling of…
The Seattle City Council has voted, 8 to 1, to support Initiative 522, which would require labels on food products that have been genetically modified or…
Washington voters will decide this fall whether foods that contain genetically-engineered ingredients must carry a special label.Initiative 522 is similar…
Washington voters are in the avant-garde when it comes to policies on recreational marijuana and same-sex marriage. And now a grassroots campaign wants us…
This week, a group of scientists sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency urging farmers to stop planting genetically engineered corn with a certain gene because it will no longer protect them from the corn rootworm. If the recommendations are put into practice, it could cause major changes in the way that seed companies like Monsanto do business.
Sugar beet seed is a rare bright spot for struggling grass-seed farmers. Farmer John Reerslev of Junction City says the GMO product provides a safe way to…