This story originally aired Jan. 30, 2019. I recently made Daniel Gritzer's Swanson's Hungry Man style Salisbury steak recipe from his Serious Eats blog…
This story originally aired June 27, 2018.Food memories are no more reliable than any others. I learned that this week after an email exchange with my…
This story originally aired Oct 24, 2018. Even if I'm going to cook boneless chicken thighs, I always buy the bone-ins and bone 'em out myself. They're…
This story originally aired Nov. 29, 2017. I like lentils and I love the spicy red lentil soup recipe Nancy Leson recently sent me. Adapted from Lynne…
After 18 years in Nancy's basement, her backup fridge, a move-in gift from a neighbor, finally found its final defrost. That left Leson with only (gasp)…
“I don't know if it's because we've all been feeling extra emotional lately or what,” Nancy Leson told me. “But I've been thinking about the emotional…
Nancy Leson and I didn't bother with any introductory chitchat to begin this week's show. I hit the music and we were off to the food races. While our…
This just in! Nancy Leson's report on responses to a recent Twitter thread asking “Are you really !#&! tired of cooking?”I was shocked — simply shocked —…
It's always sounded like fun to have an ice cream machine. But years back I also thought it would be fun to have a fondue pot. See where that's going?…
Note to the reader: This Food for Thought post about woks is certified to be pun-free.An email from listener Nancy B suggesting we do a show on woks got…