For decades, millions in federal funding has been used exclusively to support police. Now some of the funding may instead go to mental health, diversion programs and other things. Members of Washington’s Congressional delegation released a letter saying the shift could prove "disastrous."
A leader of a white power prison gang organized an operation from Pierce County that supplied fentanyl, methamphetamine, heroin, and other illegal drugs to the Pacific Northwest, law enforcement officials alleged Monday.
General Manuel Antonio Noriega, who went from being a CIA informant to leading a nation and becoming a target of the U.S., has died. Noriega was ousted from power in 1989.
Brazilian drug trafficker Jarvis Chimenes Pavao is serving an eight-year sentence in Paraguay. AFP reports that police, investigating an alleged escape plan, found a stylish three-room suite of cells.
Editor’s Note: Mexican drug cartels operate an illicit export business that depends on freeways that run from California and Arizona to Canada. If you…