The juvenile whale was seen swimming in a clockwise circle, making unusual noises and trailing two buoys. A team of wildlife experts had to move fast, but with plenty of patience, to save its life.
The U.S. Department of Commerce's disaster declaration for salmon and crab fisheries in Washington and Alaska opens the door for financial relief as part of an omnibus spending bill being negotiated by U.S. lawmakers.
Alaska officials have canceled the fall Bristol Bay red king crab harvest, and for the first time, have also scrapped the winter harvest of smaller snow crab.
While most crab pots dropped into the Salish Sea are recovered, many are not, and the Northwest Straits Foundation is going after them. Pots remaining on the seafloor can cause havoc for years, trapping and killing marine wildlife.
More than 30 times this year, the federal government has received reports of whales tangled in fishing gear along the West Coast. Sometimes the whales...
The Alaska red king crab fishery featured on the reality show, "Deadliest Catch," is facing an uncertain start because of the federal government's partial…
COUPEVILLE, Wash. (AP) — A crab fisherman is missing from a 32-foot boat that was found empty with its motor running off Penn Cove on Whidbey Island.The…