On Jan. 1, 2025 the U.S. copyright expires on creations from 1929. That means early comic characters, novels, films and songs can be used without permission or payment.
"Joke theft" sounds funny, but that claim is at the heart of a lawsuit lodged against Conan O'Brien. The case brings thorny questions of humor to the courtroom, a place not always known for jokes.
The same law firm that recently succeeded in releasing "Happy Birthday" from copyright rules is now hoping to do the same for the civil rights anthem.
Always a hit (and legal to sing) at private parties, "Happy Birthday To You" can now be used in films and sung at restaurant chains royalty-free.
A copyright ruling from the Library of Congress covers whether people may buy a phone from one carrier and then use it with another. A recent change makes it illegal to unlock a phone, or untie it from the original carrier, without permission. But some people are petitioning the White House to undo that change.
In a lawsuit centered on rude internet humor, accusations of copyright violations and a counter claim of defamation, some undeniable good has occurred:…