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Dueling Gun Control Measures: 1 Initiative Certified, 2nd Under Review

The secretary of state's office has officially certified one gun-related initiative to the Legislature and is starting review of signatures on another.

Secretary of State Kim Wyman certified the results for Initiative 594 on Wednesday. That measure would require universal background checks on all firearm sales in Washington. Nearly 347,000 signatures were submitted for the initiative, far more than the minimum requirement of 246,372.

Now signatures of Initiative 591 will be checked. That measure would prevent Washington state from adopting background-check laws stricter than the national standard, which requires the checks for sales by licensed dealers but not for purchases from private sellers. It would also prohibit confiscation of firearms without due process. Supporters have turned in about 345,000 signatures.

A Senate committee will hold a public hearing on both measures next Wednesday. If lawmakers take no action, both proposals would proceed to the November ballot. Lawmakers can also offer up another option to run alongside the initiative.

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