Vanessa Romo
The ease with which the attacker gained such close access to the Library of Congress on Thursday raises new questions about security, just seven months after the Jan. 6 insurrection.
Zainab filled out all the forms for a special immigrant visa but now can only watch as the Americans leave Afghanistan. Some 8,000 miles away in the U.S., all her husband can do is hope.
Tensions are rising among Haitians as recovery teams are still slow in reaching the needy impacted by the Aug. 14 earthquake that hit the southwestern area of the island.
Health care workers on the front lines of the pandemic say there is another concerning prospect looming: a surge in children diagnosed with a combination of COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus.
The State Department is reducing the U.S. Embassy in Kabul to a "core diplomatic presence" amid the deteriorating security situation.
The cards need to be both protected and available to show when needed. You can carry the original paper card with you, plastic coated perhaps. But lots of people stash it away and show a digital copy.
"I know the difference between putting together a case against a target versus doing independent fact-finding with an open mind," Andrew Cuomo's lawyer Rita Glavin said on Friday.
Turns out Bad Girl Riri makes some good, good money moves. The singer, actress and cosmetics and lingerie mogul is estimated by Forbes to have a fortune worth $1.7 billion.
Critics are outraged, saying the anti-doping agency for the Games is ignoring the actions of the white athlete on the heels of suspending the Black sprinter this month.
Ten years ago there were only about two dozen openly LGBTQ Olympians competing in the games. Today, there are more than 160.