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State Sen. Baumgartner announces for Cantwell seat

Sen. Baumgartner meets with the Advocates from the American Diabetes Association in April 2011.
Sen. Baumgartner meets with the Advocates from the American Diabetes Association in April 2011.

SPOKANE, Wash. — Republican State Sen. Michael Baumgartner of Spokane is announcing he will seek the U.S. Senate seat held by Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell.

The 35-year-old Baumgartner is in his first term after winning the most expensive state senate campaign in Washington history last year.

Baumgartner graduated from Washington State and holds a master's degree from Harvard. He served as a State Department diplomat in Iraq and as a civilian contractor in counter narcotics in Afghanistan. He says the nation needs to restore a dynamic economy at home and end a haphazard foreign policy overseas.

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