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Seattle mayor signs city's medical marijuana law

Mayor McGinn on Wednesday signed an ordinance creating a regulatory framework for medical cannabis operations within the City of Seattle.
Jen Nance
Office of Seattle Mayor
Mayor McGinn on Wednesday signed an ordinance creating a regulatory framework for medical cannabis operations within the City of Seattle.

Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn has signed an ordinance that will regulate medical marijuana shops like any other business.

The ordinance requires that medical marijuana operations be licensed, pay taxes and fees, obtain food-handling permits if they sell marijuana cookies, and follow all other regulations such as land-use codes.

In a statement, McGinn said the ordinance will help the city work toward what he calls "a more rational and sensible way of regulating marijuana use."

Medical marijuana regulations in the state have been uncertain since Gov. Chris Gregoire vetoed much of a bill that would have created a system of licensed medical marijuana dispensaries.

Many in the medical marijuana community have praised Seattle's new law, saying that at least the city is doing something to rebel against federal and state laws prohibiting cannabis.

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