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There's a moon in the sky - but have we been there? Really?

Wish you were here.
Wish you were here.

One small step for man ... and one giant leap of believability. As many as 25% of us Earthlings think the moon landings were a big fake, staged by Stanley Kubrick on a Hollywood sound stage. Apparently we had to fulfill JFK’s early 1960’s promise to go to the moon by the end of the decade. As many as 400,000 astronauts, scientists and engineers were in on the secret, and not a single one of them has said a word about it. That the mainstream media has not covered this shocking story just shows how insidious the plot is.

But leave it to the entertainment industry to tackle this serious issue. And we’re thinking specifically about one very entertaining TV channel, FOX, which has devoted many valuable television hours to debunking the moon landing. 

A 1999 Gallup poll found that 6% of the Americans surveyed doubted that the moon landings happened and that 5% of those surveyed had no opinion. Officials of  Fox television stated that such skepticism increased to about 20% after the February 2001 airing of that network's TV show Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? seen by approximately 15 million viewers.

It brings a whole new meaning to Fox’s “fair and balanced” tradition. Because how can you know what “fair and balanced” really means, unless you can compare that to being just plain nutty.

But leave it to a competing TV network, The Discovery Channel, to set things straight with a special “Mythbusters” episode devoted to de-bunking the moon-landing conspiracists. Thank you, Mythbusters, for setting things straight. Now if you can just look into the green-cheese conspiracy …


John has worked as a professional bassist for 20 years, including a 15 year stint as Musical Director of the Mountain Stage radio program. John has been at KNKX since 1999 where he hosts “All Blues”, is producer of the BirdNote radio program, and co-hosts “Record Bin Roulette”. John is also the recording engineer for KNKX “In-Studio Performances”. Not surprisingly, John's main musical interests are jazz and blues, and he is still performing around Seattle.
John Maynard started working in radio in the seventies as a DJ at Seattle’s KJR AM which at the time was the dominant AM station in the Seattle market. After a brief stint as a restaurateur and night club owner, Maynard returned to radio with Robin Erickson, creating the hugely popular “Robin and Maynard Show.” In the more than 20 years under that marquee, Maynard flew with the Blue Angels, piloted the Goodyear Blimp, sang with Donny Osmond and hung out in a Universal Studios bar with Kojak (Telly Savalas).