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Some Wash. schools boost security after Conn. shooting

School personnel and law enforcement around Seattle are stepping up school security in light to this Friday’s shooting in Connecticut. School officials say they know of no threats, but in an abundance of caution they’ve been taking some extra measures.

Seattle police say they’ve increased patrols around schools, mainly to reassure students and families. And Seattle Public Schools spokeswoman Lesley Rogers said district security personnel are being extra vigilant.

“Our security team has been out and about and stepped up their force, and just sort of checking in at schools, checking in with Seattle Police Department. And everyone reports normal operations in schools throughout the district,” Rogers said.

Tacoma Public Schools also increased security today, especially at two schools touched by gun violence in recent years.

Birney Elementary went on what’s called “modified lockdown,” where most external doors were locked but business as usual went on inside. The district’s director of security also visited the school, which was the scene of a shooting death two years ago when a teacher was murdered in the parking lot.

A Tacoma Public Schools spokeswoman said Foss High was also getting some extra attention. A student shot another student in the hallway there in 2007.

Gabriel Spitzer is a fill-in reporter, producer and host who previously covered science and health and worked on the KNKX show Sound Effect.