The Ethiopian federal government and Tigray rebels signed a peace deal. But one major player in the conflict, Eritrea, wasn't involved in the talks.
Ethiopia's warring sides formally agreed during talks in South Africa to a permanent cessation of hostilities in a conflict whose victims could be counted in the hundreds of thousands.
Civil war has blockaded the country's northern region and decimated a hospital system that serves nearly 7 million people. Without basic supplies, power and medicine, thousands are needlessly dying.
Ethiopian immigrants marched through downtown Seattle Tuesday afternoon to protest the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding of projects in Ethiopia.…
One week after a deadly stampede touched off accusations of abuses, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn says the declaration is necessary to protect both property and citizens' lives.
For authoritarian regimes, crushing all opposition can be bad for your reputation. Ethiopia's leaders have proven skilled at maintaining firm control while staging the ceremonies of democracy.