The Fox host and the former speaker of the House get in a testy discussion over sexual obsession and Donald Trump.
The former president's campaign trail comment that the Affordable Care Act is "the craziest thing in the world" showed up hours later in the vice presidential debate.
The new program did work for millions of families. The idea was that people would be encouraged to find work if they knew their monthly checks would end, but instead, some have been left high and dry.
Bill Clinton had a formidable challenge on Tuesday: to sell the American people on one of the most disliked presidential nominees in political history.
The former president painted a portrait of Hillary Clinton as a fighter who works relentlessly to make the world better.
"I think it's ... one of the big stories of this week, of this month, of this year," Donald Trump said of the meeting. A Democratic strategist said it was "foolish to create such optics."
It was a passing encounter on her government plane, but the whiff of impropriety while the Justice Department investigates Hillary Clinton's private email server could set Republicans howling.