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Highway to Mount St. Helens reopens Saturday

Mount St. Helens is seen April 19, 2005, behind a tree that was blown down in the 1980 eruption, at the Johnston Ridge Observatory in the Mount St. Helens National Monument, Wash.
The Associated Press
Mount St. Helens is seen April 19, 2005, behind a tree that was blown down in the 1980 eruption, at the Johnston Ridge Observatory in the Mount St. Helens National Monument, Wash.

TOUTLE, Wash. — Visitors to Mount St. Helens will be able to drive close to the volcano this weekend.

The state Transportation Department is reopening the Spirit Lake Highway on Saturday. It was closed by snow in January.

The highway takes visitors to the Johnston Ridge Observatory where they can look into the crater. It reopens for the season on Sunday.

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