Josh Cohen
Josh Cohen is Crosscut’s city reporter covering Seattle government, politics and the issues that shape life in the city.
Harrell balanced the $250 million deficit with more than $200 million from the Jumpstart Payroll Expense Tax, plus the elimination of 159 city jobs.
Candidates Nick Brown, a Democrat, and Pete Serrano, a Republican, disagreed about almost all topics, from juvenile crime to police accountability.
The laws establish seven banishment areas for those convicted of or charged with offenses, but opponents argue they won’t solve underlying issues.
The plan would use bonds to fund the development of “workforce” housing in King County for people earning 50%-120% of area median income.
With 103,933 votes counted, progressive challenger Rinck has netted 46.8% of the vote and incumbent Councilmember Woo has 41.6%.