Sound Effect is your weekly tour of ideas, inspired by the place we live. The show is hosted by KPLU's Gabriel Spitzer. Each week's show explores a different theme and this week we reach for Star Power.
Sometimes the scope and beauty of space is daunting and even indescribable, but that isn't a problem for Ballard-based composer Nan Avant. Avant composed an orchestral piece inspired by nebulae. It is part of a November 7 concert at Benaroya Hall made up of space-inspired compositions, called Origins: Life and the Universe.
How does a galaxy even come to be? That is the expertise of Julianne Dalcanton. In this segment, she traces the extraterrestrial path of her work and describes the tools she uses to map the final frontier.
Bob Kramer found his love for knives after he decided to leave the circus. Gabriel Spitzer headed to Olympia to talk with Bob Kramer about his not-so-pointed path toward making knives from meteorites.
Then we turn our sights to the sky for a conversation with exoplanet expert Dr. Sarah Ballard. Ballard and Spitzer discuss the recent Title IX case against famous astronomer Geoff Marcy and Ballard's struggle with harassment and her decision to go public.