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Seattle’s latest rising star? Colonel Meow

An image of the Colonel from his Facebook page.

Okay – it’s a cat post on the Internets … but, hey, he’s from Seattle and he’s a rising star! And, he’s funny (though he has a bit of a potty mouth).

Colonel Meow hit Facebook on Aug. 9 and has quickly risen to 60,000 … make that 60,055 …  60,219 ... you get the idea. (Just now at 67,686)

Update 10-10: Though he won't give us the time of day, the colonel was on Anderson Cooper Live today. He wasn't too talkative but his owner Anne Marie Avey said his hair/fur is natural and then she gave Cooper a pretty good lead into his fracas with Star Jones.

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Here’s his bio on Facebook:

“I was abandoned on the side of the road and rescued by the Himalayan and Persian Society. I went to the doctor and was cleared for adoption through Petco where I met my Master, Anne Marie Avey. She cuddles me and feeds me and even sings to me which makes me happy. So happy I fall asleep.”

Sure, all cats are pretty distant and aloof and so on, but this Seattle cat is over the top with the whole “Cats rule the world” thing:

“MINIONS! As much as I love my developing army of cats, I would love their MASTERS to conform to the Frown. Public frowns. Frown bomb your Boss, coworker, barista, landlord, roommate, that guy who got the promotion you wanted, the server who screws up your order, your mom. Frown bomb your MOM, Minions! Now go out there and try again!”

This YouTube video has been played a whopping 199,972 times, and rising (again, suggestion of a bad word in it).

Colonel Meow’s human told KING 5 she’s having a blast with the Facebook page:

“It’s surreal, it makes me more motivated to do more ... it's just so much fun,” she says.
She says she started the Facebook page because Colonel is such a character. “I would roll out of bed and look at Colonel and he would just be staring at me and I'd just start laughing,” she said. “He had all these types of faces and positions he would get into and I just had to share it.”