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‘Profound Warming Trend’ Will Push Weekend Temps Way Above Normal In Western Wash.

Tim Durkan Photography
Seattle's waterfront on April 14, 2016. Clouds on the horizon, but plenty of blue skies, with much warmer than normal temps in the weekend forecast.

Expect a fairly normal spring day on Friday, but keep your summer gear handy for the weekend. KPLU weather expert Cliff Mass says temperatures will surge upward on Saturday.

”We’re going to a profound warming trend,” Mass said, “And no precipitation.”

Blue Skies Start Saturday Afternoon

He says it’s due to a ridge of high pressure that will start building over us on Saturday.

“And the temperatures are going to push up into at least the mid-60s, maybe some clouds in the morning, but lots of sun, so definitely a warm-up,” Mass said.

Then, as we get into Sunday and Monday, the ridge will intensify and bring in easterly offshore flow that will push out the clouds and dry out the lower part of the atmosphere.

“And temperatures on Sunday will surge into the mid-70s, maybe even near 80,” Mass said.  “You will not believe what’s going to happen.

‘Startlingly Warm,’ As Work Week Resumes

On Monday, Mass says there will be even more of the same trend.

“Temperatures could get into the low 80s, easily -- could even get higher, but probably the low 80s” he said.

This is way above normal for this time of year. “Normal is in the upper 50s right now,” Mass says, so this is “startlingly warm.”

Cool Down Tuesday

Don’t lose heart if heat is not your thing.

“It’s not going to last,” Mass said.

Next week, a trough will rebuild and temperatures will slide back into the 60s or even upper 50s, with showers and normal spring conditions for the region.

“So this is temporary, but it’s going to be very warm in the latter part of the weekend,” Mass said.

To hear the forecast plus a discussion of the formal watch for a fall arrival of La Niña issued by NOAA this week, you can click on the play icon at the top of this post. 

The weekly KPLU feature ‘Weather with Cliff Mass’ airs every Friday at 9 a.m. immediately following ‘BirdNote’, and twice on Friday afternoons during ‘All Things Considered’. The feature is hosted by KPLU Environment Reporter Bellamy Pailthorp. Cliff Mass is a University of Washington professor of atmospheric sciences, a renowned Seattle weather prognosticator, and a popular weather blogger. You can also subscribe to a podcast of ‘Weather with Cliff Mass’ shows.

Bellamy Pailthorp covers the environment for KNKX with an emphasis on climate justice, human health and food sovereignty. She enjoys reporting about how we will power our future while maintaining healthy cultures and livable cities. Story tips can be sent to