In Seattle’s City Council races, incumbents are all leading, including the city’s first socialist council member Kshama Sawant. Council President Tim Burgess, as well as council members Sally Bagshaw, Bruce Harrell and Mike OBrien, appear to be winning handily. Sawant’s race for Seattle City Council District 3 is closer.
Sawant is leading her opponent, Pamela Banks, 52%-47%. But, at a packed election night party she was already talking like a winner.
“This victory is a strong victory for all working class people, for the socialist movement and for independent working class politics," Sawant told her supporters
Sawant has championed rent control and a tax on billionaires. Her opponent, Banks, isn’t ready to concede the election yet, pointing out she’s behind by less than a thousand votes. Early returns have Kshama Sawant with 8,197 votes to Pamela Banks 7,349 votes.