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A Little Love And Lots Of Music To Break Your Cabin Fever

It may feel like a lifetime to many of us, but we're already eight weeks deep in winter. That's eight weeks (or more) of snow and staying in, shivering and waiting — and waiting — for spring to arrive.

But that's exactly why we're also two weeks into our mission to keep those winter grays at bay — by sharing our songs.

[Note: You need to be logged in to a Spotify account to stream the playlist. You can sign up free here.]

With midwinter comes another date to keep in mind: Valentine's Day. And while many of us may be prepared to address our notes of love and thanks to our space heaters, it's best also not to forget those people who bring warmth and joy into our lives.

Of course, the playlist sports some romantic powerhouses like Barry White and Al Green — artists and songs fit for any candlelit evening. But sometimes, love can inspire moods decidedly less smooth — when it's all you can do to keep from throwing your arms to the ceiling and hopping like mad. Luckily, the playlist has that covered, too.

One of our listeners discovered that same weightless feeling after putting on Jackie Wilson's "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher." RP Whitmore-Bard explains, "As soon as I did, a smile broke onto my face, and I started laughing, singing, and dancing around my room."

As we well know, though, love doesn't always take such happy turns. Romance has its pitfalls: Break-ups, letdowns and — even in the best of relationships — plenty of frustrations. For those, too, the Cabin Fever playlist has an answer.

Laurie Nardo-Kunst says her suggestion — Cee Lo Green's "Forget You" — was inspired by just such an occasion. Laurie writes, "My husband locked his keys in his car, so I was a little 'peeved.' I had to leave a very busy workday to go rescue him. Then, I got caught behind a slow-moving convoy of huge Marine trucks."

Her mood was heading south fast — that is, until "Forget You" came on. Laurie says, "Cee Lo rescued me from the downward spiral of despair!" Soon, she was dancing and shimmying in her car, all the way to meet her husband.

Valentine's Day may mean romance or just a night spent dancing on your own; either way, this playlist might just do the trick. And it will get you warm enough to kick that space heater habit for at least this night.

While you're listening, we will be, too — so keep your suggestions coming. There are more than 80 songs on the Cabin Fever Playlist — and more yet to come

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